Events Stats

Click the legend to show or hide a category.
January February March April May June July August September October November December Total
Events with only one report
4595 3957 4098 3513 3120 3153 4101 5759 4760 5313 6762 5772 54903
Events with 1< number of reports <= 10
1819 1635 1665 1384 1198 1222 1609 2406 2100 2200 3306 2380 22924
Events with 10< number of reports <= 25
223 184 196 157 115 103 154 177 220 216 320 224 2289
Events with 25< number of reports <= 50
59 71 72 45 29 46 56 47 91 90 121 63 790
Events with 50< number of reports < 100
40 37 38 28 25 17 29 30 44 43 54 38 423
Events with more than 100 reports
29 35 29 27 11 17 19 18 32 36 45 26 324
Total 6765 5919 6098 5154 4498 4558 5968 8437 7247 7898 10608 8503 81653