Reports Report 2083bt (Event 2083-2016)

Name Evelyn B
Experience Level 1/5
Remarks It was very bright and seemed very low/close. It probably didn't last much more than 10 seconds, but I thought if I wasn't driving, I would have had time to grab my phone and take a picture.
Address Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Québec (CA)
Latitude 45° 14' 54.92'' N (45.248589°)
Longitude 74° 6' 9.99'' W (-74.102774°)
Elevation 45.303m
Time and Duration
Local Date & Time 2016-06-14 21:29 EDT
UT Date & Time 2016-06-15 01:29 UT
Duration ≈20s
Moving direction From up left to down right
Descent Angle 96°
Facing azimuth 209.67°
First azimuth 196.79°
First elevation 20°
Last azimuth 232.61°
Last elevation 22°
Brightness and color
Stellar Magnitude -20
Color White
Concurrent Sound
Observation Unknown
Remarks -
Delayed Sound
Observation Unknown
Remarks -
Persistent train
Observation No
Duration -
Length -
Remarks -
Terminal flash
Observation Unknown
Remarks -
Observation Yes
Remarks There was a bright white ball with a tail streaking across the sky, then the white ball split so there was another white ball behind it in the tail.