Reports Report 3010h (Event 3010-2015)

Name wm P
Experience Level 2/5
Remarks seen a lot of meteors in the high desert skies but I don't recall ever seeing one explode or the large flash that was noticeable inside the pickup. the flash was bright and I am a veteran who served in tanks. It was a bright white flash. And when I looked I saw that wide trail burning out. Hope this helps I'm interested. I hunt meteorites
Address Prineville, OR
Latitude 44° 17' 12.02'' N (44.286671°)
Longitude 120° 49' 1.36'' W (-120.817045°)
Elevation 895.000488m
Time and Duration
Local Date & Time 2015-11-04 04:30 PST
UT Date & Time 2015-11-04 12:30 UT
Duration ≈1.5s
Moving direction From up left to down right
Descent Angle 111°
Facing azimuth 311.08°
First azimuth 311.83°
First elevation 60°
Last azimuth 351.78°
Last elevation 61°
Brightness and color
Stellar Magnitude -27
Color White
Concurrent Sound
Observation Unknown
Remarks -
Delayed Sound
Observation Unknown
Remarks -
Persistent train
Observation Yes
Duration 1s
Length 20°
Remarks wide particle like a trail of a fireworks
Terminal flash
Observation Yes
Remarks I saw the flash like a car headlight bent down looking through the windshield and saw the trail for about a second. we live in a rural area there were no other cars around us. It was a bright flash then I looked for the trail and saw what was left. The gas station attendant some two minutes later said yeah I saw something didn't know what it was. I think the damn thing blew up.I didn't see the flash directly but it was noticeable in the cab of the pickup truck
Observation Unknown
Remarks -