Reports Report 451gd (Event 451-2015)

Name Angela B
Experience Level 2/5
Remarks What an amazing and unusual experience! Four of us witnessed this large and bright display, having time to ask each other what on earth is that and getting closer to the window and outside to see it.
Address Colville, WA
Latitude 48° 35' 54.5'' N (48.598473°)
Longitude 117° 52' 57.57'' W (-117.882657°)
Elevation 587.220215m
Time and Duration
Local Date & Time 2015-02-23 21:57 PST
UT Date & Time 2015-02-24 05:57 UT
Duration ≈20s
Moving direction From down right to up left
Descent Angle 271°
Facing azimuth 90.15°
First azimuth 98.99°
First elevation 50°
Last azimuth 61.3°
Last elevation 34°
Brightness and color
Stellar Magnitude -13
Color Pink, Blue, Light Blue, Yellow, Light Yellow
Concurrent Sound
Observation No
Remarks -
Delayed Sound
Observation No
Remarks -
Persistent train
Observation Yes
Duration 1s
Remarks It looked like mostly one object at first, then stretching into a group of separate objects streaking across the sky with trails and then they started to spread a bit, like when a fireworks sparkles start to drop and separate. Two were very far behind. I could see through the window even though we were watching TV this blue-ish bright long streaking thing but seemingly very slow and we had time to all look and I went out on the deck and watched it separate and disappear behind Old Douglas Mountain.
Terminal flash
Observation No
Remarks -
Observation Yes
Remarks As described above, it looked like mostly one object and then as it continued it became 12 or so objects like the big sparks from a large firework on the 4th of July, eventually arcing downward a bit and falling slowly like firework sparks do.