Reports Report 2187cm (Event 2187-2014)

Name Matt C
Experience Level 2/5
Remarks -
Address Corsica, PA
Latitude 41° 11' 3.08'' N (41.18419°)
Longitude 79° 15' 4.89'' W (-79.251357°)
Elevation 494.597046m
Time and Duration
Local Date & Time 2014-09-14 22:58 EDT
UT Date & Time 2014-09-15 02:58 UT
Duration ≈1.5s
Moving direction From up to down
Descent Angle 180°
Facing azimuth 105°
First azimuth 105°
First elevation 77°
Last azimuth 105°
Last elevation 32°
Brightness and color
Stellar Magnitude -21
Color Light Blue
Concurrent Sound
Observation No
Remarks -
Delayed Sound
Observation No
Remarks -
Persistent train
Observation No
Duration -
Length -
Remarks -
Terminal flash
Observation Yes
Remarks Was driving on 322 east and saw a bright blue flash which streaked down the sky very fast and left a short tail behind it. It was beginning to break up as it left my field of view. The fragments glowed briefly a red/orange color before cooling off. I immediately rolled down my window hoping to hear a sonic boom but did not get that lucky. If I were to guess I'd say it ended up in Eastern PA.
Observation Yes
Remarks -