Reports Report 1769d (Event 1769-2014)

Name Josh F
Experience Level 1/5
Remarks I am unsure of what light magnitude exactly it was but it was enough to light up the whole beach. We had a full moon and it easily drowned it out. We were not looking at the sky, just taking then it light up like day in a green filter. Lasted long enough to look up and follow it a few seconds. Separated into two pieces then burned out. Almost a minute went by before we heard impact. It was a great experience and we are glad to share our amateur knowledge!
Address Panama city beach, FL
Latitude 30° 17' 16.12'' N (30.287812°)
Longitude 86° 2' 28.68'' W (-86.0413°)
Elevation -
Time and Duration
Local Date & Time 2014-08-09 02:45 CDT
UT Date & Time 2014-08-09 07:45 UT
Duration ≈3.5s
Moving direction From up right to down left
Descent Angle 225°
Facing azimuth 180°
First azimuth 315°
First elevation 90°
Last azimuth 135°
Last elevation 65°
Brightness and color
Stellar Magnitude -20
Color green
Concurrent Sound
Observation No
Remarks -
Delayed Sound
Observation Unknown
Remarks Two "water thud" sounds implying hard impact far off shore almost minutes after the sighting
Persistent train
Observation No
Duration -
Length -
Remarks -
Terminal flash
Observation Yes
Remarks Flash and then two separate pieces
Observation Yes
Remarks Broke up into two visible pieces