Reports Report 313l (Event 313-2014)

Name Sarah P
Experience Level 1/5
Remarks -
Address Barnhart, MO
Latitude 38° 20' 7.06'' N (38.335295°)
Longitude 90° 25' 17.38'' W (-90.421495°)
Elevation 228.352859m
Time and Duration
Local Date & Time 2014-01-28 23:00 CST
UT Date & Time 2014-01-29 05:00 UT
Duration ≈7.5s
Moving direction From up right to down left
Descent Angle 225°
Facing azimuth 320.44°
First azimuth 344.69°
First elevation 51°
Last azimuth 318.48°
Last elevation -
Brightness and color
Stellar Magnitude -20
Color Orange
Concurrent Sound
Observation Yes
Remarks a fizzle sound, like an airplane moving
Delayed Sound
Observation No
Remarks -
Persistent train
Observation Yes
Duration 10s
Length 10°
Remarks started as a extremely bright white blob, started moving, the fire showed up behind it like 1 second after it started moving, went about 10 seconds, then it disappeared. then I seen a dark thing falling after it burned out.
Terminal flash
Observation Unknown
Remarks -
Observation Yes
Remarks during the beginning when it started it had a flash, the fragment was like a big dark spot moving down