Reports Report 2481y (Event 2481-2023)

Name Michael M
Experience Level 4/5
Remarks Observed a meteoroid at approximately 03:24 (Z) on the evening of 5 May 2023 that traversed from east to west. Origin was vicinity of Bootes constellation (Just to the north of the full moon). Magnitude was easily brighter than Venus; estimated as -6 magnitude. Observed a very long tail behind the head of the meteoroid. Tip was roughly double the diameter of Venus. Traversed across the majority of the sky; tail faded as it approached the western horizon, but even after the meteor “burned out” it could be observed glowing as it continued westward. Lost sight of it as it got to about 10 degrees above the horizon. Estimate it was traveling mach 25+; took approximately 4 seconds to traverse the entire sky. Please correlate with other observations, identify what it was and I’d sincerely appreciate a reply with the details. It was the meteor of a lifetime. V/R Mike Maes
Address Los Lunas, NM
Latitude 34° 49' 39.61'' N (34.827669°)
Longitude 106° 45' 3.14'' W (-106.750873°)
Elevation 1516.46582m
Time and Duration
Local Date & Time 2023-05-05 21:23 MDT
UT Date & Time 2023-05-06 03:23 UT
Duration ≈3.5s
Moving direction From right to left
Descent Angle 270°
Facing azimuth 360°
First azimuth 90°
First elevation 30°
Last azimuth 10°
Last elevation 15°
Brightness and color
Stellar Magnitude -6
Color Light Blue
Concurrent Sound
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Delayed Sound
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Persistent train
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Terminal flash
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