Reports Report 2415ad (Event 2415-2022)

Name DestinyAngel M
Experience Level 1/5
Remarks I was actually in my car parked along the road when I observed it. The night was crystal clear and the moon was rising. Around the moon was a yellowish hue and the sky was still turning dark, meaning it was a very dark, sharp blue color not black with no clouds or mist at all. I was looking directly out of my drivers window, which was down. I saw a very bright white object that was curved at the front with very vivid spike shapes protruding out the back with red tips and a long vivid white tail jutting out the back. It lasted at least 3 seconds and it was actually so clear and vivid that it took my breath away. It came from the east heading west. I could see the shape of it perfectly. It made no sound at all and I saw no prior or post flashes or smoke. It was beautiful.
Address West Decatur, PA
Latitude 40° 57' 29.9'' N (40.958305°)
Longitude 78° 17' 5.5'' W (-78.28486°)
Elevation 537.263062m
Time and Duration
Local Date & Time 2022-04-17 21:56 EDT
UT Date & Time 2022-04-18 01:56 UT
Duration ≈3.5s
Moving direction From up right to down left
Descent Angle 237°
Facing azimuth 91.66°
First azimuth 87.32°
First elevation 33°
Last azimuth 43.57°
Last elevation 28°
Brightness and color
Stellar Magnitude -13
Color Red, White
Concurrent Sound
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Delayed Sound
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Persistent train
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Terminal flash
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