Reports Report 9308g (Event 9308-2021)

Name Jennifer K
Experience Level 1/5
Remarks I was driving East to work when I happened to look slightly North and saw the bright blaze. At first I didn't realize what I was seeing but I knew about the meteor showers so I immediately voice to text messaged my boss and my mom to hurry outside thinking that it was going to last longer, it was the brightest thickest meteor I have ever seen and it was gone in just seconds. It was glowing a reddish orange followed by a muted orange that seemed smokey, at the end of it's travel it flashed into a more orangeish yellow.
Address Bradenton, FL
Latitude 27° 27' 43.62'' N (27.462118°)
Longitude 82° 32' 17.44'' W (-82.538179°)
Elevation 13.017009m
Time and Duration
Local Date & Time 2021-12-18 23:02 EST
UT Date & Time 2021-12-19 04:02 UT
Duration ≈20s
Moving direction From up left to down right
Descent Angle 92°
Facing azimuth 74.59°
First azimuth 76.8°
First elevation 65°
Last azimuth 91.06°
Last elevation 63°
Brightness and color
Stellar Magnitude -9
Color Orange
Concurrent Sound
Observation Unknown
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Delayed Sound
Observation Unknown
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Persistent train
Observation Yes
Duration 5s
Remarks It was lighter in color and glowing, maybe with smoke, the sky was dark so I couldn't tell but it seemed like maybe a smoky orange glow following the bright reddish orange blazing fireball. Fading out slowly as if the dark sky healed over a wound cut into it
Terminal flash
Observation Yes
Remarks The ball seemed to have flashed brighter orange when it ended.
Observation Unknown
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