Reports Report 5653a (Event 5653-2017)

Name Owen D
Experience Level 3/5
Remarks This Trail was made instantly and was a complete transit through the atmosphere below 30,000 feet altitude. I guesstimated the velocity from my video editing experience, Video is run at an average of 25 frames per second to fool the eye, for this trail to appear too fast for me to get any sense of direction it had to be faster that 1/25 of a second, I guessed the distance at 1000 miles. I am probably guessing on the low side of it's true velocity. If it had hit the planet I believe it could have been an extinction level event.
Address Mabe Burnthouse, England (GB)
Latitude 50° 9' 52.77'' N (50.164657°)
Longitude 5° 7' 55.69'' W (-5.132137°)
Elevation 125.246292m
Time and Duration
Local Date & Time 2017-07-07 04:00 BST
UT Date & Time 2017-07-07 03:00 UT
Duration ≈3.5s
Moving direction From left to right
Descent Angle 90°
Facing azimuth 200°
First azimuth 200°
First elevation 83°
Last azimuth 290°
Last elevation 85°
Brightness and color
Stellar Magnitude -28
Color White
Concurrent Sound
Observation No
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Delayed Sound
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Persistent train
Observation Yes
Duration 3s
Length 99.99°
Remarks A Beam Of White Plasma Appeared Instantly from 1 side of my vision to the other. it lasted 2-3 seconds and then "Fizzled out" from left to right very fast. The Altitude was below that used by jumbo jets. it was a complete transit at 25,000 Miles per second. The beam appeared in less than 25th of a second. It looked like someone had fired a Plasma Beam weapon across the was 20 minutes before Dawn Please check a 5-10 minute window either side of 4am as my head was exploding with epiphany too much to check the time at that moment. This Explains Biblical level events in History. The Ancient Indian city that was "Nuked" and Sodom & Gomorrah type events could have been caused by a kilogram of dense matter thrown out from a neutron star merger at relativistic velocity.
Terminal flash
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Observation No
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