Reports Report 501g (Event 501-2013)

Name Dennis L
Experience Level 3/5
Remarks I have studied the heavens since I was approximately 8 years old, my older brother introduced me into astronomy. As a sophomore in college I took an astronomy class and currently have the "Star Walk" app on my iPhone. I understand this doesn't make me an expert however, it also does not make me a novice either. Hope this helps.
Address Kirvin, TX
Latitude 31° 47' 45.11'' N (31.795864°)
Longitude 96° 15' 17.4'' W (-96.254832°)
Elevation 96.832794m
Time and Duration
Local Date & Time 2013-02-27 03:10 CST
UT Date & Time 2013-02-27 09:10 UT
Duration ≈7.5s
Moving direction From right to left
Descent Angle 270°
Facing azimuth 151.39°
First azimuth 167.09°
First elevation 81°
Last azimuth 96.73°
Last elevation 66°
Brightness and color
Stellar Magnitude -8
Color Yellow
Concurrent Sound
Observation No
Remarks -
Delayed Sound
Observation No
Remarks -
Persistent train
Observation Yes
Duration 8s
Length -1°
Remarks At first I saw 1 visible light what I thought was a military plane becase soon after the first appearence came 6 more fragments. It started at my 2 O'Clock and transitioned from southwest to northeast and ended at my 10 O'Clock before disappearing. The light stratis clouds shrouded most of the light.
Terminal flash
Observation No
Remarks -
Observation Yes
Remarks broke into a total of 7 pieces, at first I thought it was a group of military transport planes in formation. Then I thought it was space junk however, it was moving at a high rate of speed. There were several trucks on the road at the time of the appearance so I'm certain someone else saw what I saw.