Reports Report 918bp (Event 918-2016)

Name webber c
Experience Level 3/5
Remarks This appeared to be something burning as it entered the atmosphere, but it seriously took 10-15 seconds to travel across the sky, and disappeared behind the hills separating the Central Valley from the coast. I have witnessed fireballs before, but this was surreal, the length of time it took to cross the sky. I watched it for 3-4 seconds before pointing it out to my passenger. It did not streak across the sky. and if I held a dime out at arm's length that is about the size I would describe it as. I'm really glad my friend saw it too. It was just kind of weird...But exciting!
Address Bakersfield, CA
Latitude 35° 9' 13.79'' N (35.15383°)
Longitude 118° 59' 53.86'' W (-118.998294°)
Elevation 89.606m
Time and Duration
Local Date & Time 2016-03-06 20:15 PST
UT Date & Time 2016-03-07 04:15 UT
Duration ≈20s
Moving direction From down right to up left
Descent Angle 291°
Facing azimuth 167.33°
First azimuth 102.37°
First elevation 39°
Last azimuth 246.71°
Last elevation 15°
Brightness and color
Stellar Magnitude -27
Color White
Concurrent Sound
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Delayed Sound
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Persistent train
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Terminal flash
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