Reports Report 2306fs (Event 2306-2014)

Name Mark S
Experience Level 1/5
Remarks The fireball instantly appeared as a very bright intense ball of light that shot straight down until I lost it behind trees. The trailer was very bright and long also. At first I thought it was just a shooting star but soon realized it was like nothing I have ever seen. I have never saw anything make it that close the Earth's surface before. It was a sight to see!
Address Wooster, OH
Latitude 40° 44' 56.1'' N (40.748916°)
Longitude 81° 55' 6.19'' W (-81.918387°)
Elevation -
Time and Duration
Local Date & Time 2014-09-23 22:00 EDT
UT Date & Time 2014-09-24 02:00 UT
Duration ?
Moving direction From up to down
Descent Angle 180°
Facing azimuth -
First azimuth -
First elevation 40°
Last azimuth -
Last elevation 20°
Brightness and color
Stellar Magnitude -9
Color Very bright in center with orange outline
Concurrent Sound
Observation No
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Delayed Sound
Observation No
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Persistent train
Observation Yes
Duration 4s
Length 20°
Remarks Bright glowing train that faded off
Terminal flash
Observation No
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Observation No
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