Reports Report 92by (Event 92-2014)

Name Atufe S
Experience Level 1/5
Remarks The head of the meteor was extremely well-defined and large, glowing a bright white. The fact that my husband and I could see this eerie neon green outline to it was also pretty neat.
Address Windsor, CT
Latitude 41° 50' 38.71'' N (41.844085°)
Longitude 72° 38' 20.18'' W (-72.638938°)
Elevation 16.171116m
Time and Duration
Local Date & Time 2014-01-12 17:15 EST
UT Date & Time 2014-01-12 22:15 UT
Duration ≈3.5s
Moving direction From up left to down right
Descent Angle 135°
Facing azimuth -
First azimuth -
First elevation 32°
Last azimuth -
Last elevation 19°
Brightness and color
Stellar Magnitude -24
Color Light Blue, Green, Light Yellow, White
Concurrent Sound
Observation No
Remarks -
Delayed Sound
Observation No
Remarks __
Persistent train
Observation Unknown
Duration -
Length -
Remarks -
Terminal flash
Observation No
Remarks -
Observation Yes
Remarks as it flew across my field of vision from the left to right, it seemed to break up into smaller debris which burned an orange color.