Reports Report 537a (Event 537-2012)

Name Patrick
Experience Level 2/5
Remarks If anyone else observed this event...I would love to know that we weren't the only ones.
Address Biloxi, MS
Latitude 30° 24' 39.08'' N (30.410856°)
Longitude 88° 59' 4.72'' W (-88.984644°)
Elevation -
Time and Duration
Local Date & Time 2012-04-12 02:45 CDT
UT Date & Time 2012-04-12 07:45 UT
Duration ≈7.5s
Moving direction From up to down
Descent Angle 180°
Facing azimuth 163.30072°
First azimuth 121.53467°
First elevation 90°
Last azimuth 143.84176°
Last elevation 15°
Brightness and color
Stellar Magnitude -13
Color light green
Concurrent Sound
Observation No
Remarks -
Delayed Sound
Observation No
Remarks -
Persistent train
Observation No
Duration -1s
Length 10°
Remarks The fireball was circular at the bottom and trailed to a small teardrop train. It fell straight down toward the horizon at a steady pace. I observed it from high up until it went behind a treeline to my southeast. It could be seen through the trees descending toward the horizon. It was hugh. It did not fall at any angle except straight down. I had friend with me on the back deck of my home. I grabbed his arm and told him to look quickly. He looked up and saw it just beforfe it went behind the trees. We thought it was a falling plane at first. Then we assured each other of what we had just seen. It was awesome.We observed this object some time between 2a.m. and 3 a.m.. the sky was clear with no clouds to obstruct our field of vision. We had just mentioned earlier about observing Mars and Saturn. In the eastern sky.
Terminal flash
Observation No
Remarks We didin\'t see any flash. It was a fireball from the beginning when we first saw it until it went behind the treeline, which is directly to my southeast or out in the Gulf of Mexico. I live approximately two miles from the beach and the Gulf. We both assumed whatever it was must have hit the Gulf with a full impact. When I saw the news this morning, I overheard them say that an oil slick appeared about a hundred and thirty miles southeast of New Orleans. That would put this object in the same vicinity.
Observation No
Remarks -