Reports Report 418n (Event 418-2018)

Name BetteRose R
Experience Level 3/5
Remarks I saw a meteor from my living room window the night the fireball over Phoenix exploded. It was bright green, huge, and look liked it landed in the desert behind our housing development. It came straight down and was as bright as fireworks. It glowed as it came down then turned to black with a smoke trail. I was able to determine that it might be a piece of the fireball over Phoenix that made it all the way down to Tucson by looking on google. I haven't seen anything about the meteor my husband and I saw on January 30th on our way home from cards. I just would like to know if others saw it, how big it might have been (it lasted longer than most meteors but not the two green ones I have seen) and whether it was important.
Address Sahuarita, AZ
Latitude 31° 59' 26.31'' N (31.990641°)
Longitude 110° 58' 37.71'' W (-110.977143°)
Elevation 830.274m
Time and Duration
Local Date & Time 2018-01-30 20:49 MST
UT Date & Time 2018-01-31 03:49 UT
Duration ≈3.5s
Moving direction From down left to up right
Descent Angle 87°
Facing azimuth 18°
First azimuth 16°
First elevation 60°
Last azimuth 35°
Last elevation 55°
Brightness and color
Stellar Magnitude -6
Color Pink
Concurrent Sound
Observation No
Remarks -
Delayed Sound
Observation Unknown
Remarks -
Persistent train
Observation No
Duration -
Length -
Remarks -
Terminal flash
Observation Unknown
Remarks It went from a dim streak to a brighter light but did not flash or burn up like the one I saw 11/14/17. It just got brighter then disappeared.
Observation No
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