Reports Report 655e (Event 655-2011)

Name Kristie
Experience Level 3/5
Remarks It was very large and VERY bright. It was green in color, which is what really caught my eye. I saw a green light behind clouds and immediately turned to see what it was. I saw a large green colored ball falling and shining green light through the clouds. It was short, quiet and fast. It was fairly close but still in the distance. It didn't really have a 'trail' to it, it looked as if a giant roman candle was fired through our skies. It was beautiful, but also kind of scary.
Address Colorado Springs, CO
Latitude 38° 54' 26'' N (38.907223°)
Longitude 104° 49' 5.43'' W (-104.818175°)
Elevation -
Time and Duration
Local Date & Time 2011-07-08 03:30 MDT
UT Date & Time 2011-07-08 09:30 UT
Duration ≈3.5s
Moving direction From up right to down left
Descent Angle 225°
Facing azimuth 178.24093°
First azimuth 186.86061°
First elevation 60°
Last azimuth 168.851°
Last elevation 27°
Brightness and color
Stellar Magnitude 1
Color Green
Concurrent Sound
Observation No
Remarks -
Delayed Sound
Observation Yes
Remarks Shortly after it disappeared (About 4 seconds) I heard a loud \\
Persistent train
Observation No
Duration 3s
Length -1°
Remarks -
Terminal flash
Observation No
Remarks No Flash. No Fragmentation.
Observation No
Remarks -